Dance Rebirth

What is Dance Rebirth?
Dance Rebirth is a magical dance journey, to embrace and expand (y)our true self. Guided by a variety of music, sound vibrations & deep tones, we will dance through 5 different stages of creation.

Each phase has it’s own qualities, discoveries and uniqueness. We start with a preparing meditation & introduction.

Cycle 1 – stillness, birth
After the beginning meditation, we arrive in the vast open space of the void (the womb phase, where nothing is formed yet). Where all creation and manifestation is possible... it is waiting for you. 

Cycle 2 – magic, unfolding
Gently we will leave the void space behind us. With little movements and space for wonder, the beginning of a new creation starts to unfold, it begins to manifest. Something new is about to see the light, is getting ready to be born. You can stay for a while, in this magical place of (new) existence. 

Cycle 3 - discovering, experiencing
This is a phase where we will anchor, and give roots to the unfolding. Once we start feeling familiar with it's newness, it's birth, we can start to discover and explore more of it's characteristics, beauty & qualities.

A free choice moment will come up during this phase, whether you would like to stay connected with yourself, going deeper for an inner journey and exploration, or that you feel inspired to connect with other people in the group as well. All is well and you will intuitively know, where your fulfillment and potential is. We are in a safe place together & I will share something about this choice moment, before we start.

Cycle 4 – expansion, growth
Whatever has been unfolding for you, during this dance journey through the different cycles of creation. It is now time, to give it more space, expression a place.. even a color perhaps, or a sound? Letting it ripe, expand.. giving it breath and wings. The movements, music & group energy will effortlessly guide you through this stage. 

If you have the space to meet some of the other dancers, it can be exciting, inspiring and uplifting to witness each others expansion phases. And if your inner journey keeps calling you, stay with it. Embrace yourself & polish your inner pearls ;):))

Cycle 5 – manifestation & creation
The finale stage, of our creative dance journey :)) We have started with no-thing & now there simply is a new magic creation, or at least the seeds of something new. It can be anything, connected to your own birth for example (a re-birth), or to the changing outside seasons, or it can be connected to a creative project you would like to manifest in the world and perhaps dreams and visions you have for this new year 2016. It is beyond limits !! During this last cycle, there is all the room for you, to freely express, experience and dance this.

Integration phase
After having danced & journeyed through the different cycles of creation, there will be a meditative integration moment. Where you can feel, breath, expand, rest if you like and simply receive, integrate what this journey has given you.

We come together, to have a drink & there will be connection time. Maybe you would like to make some notes, drawings perhaps. And we can share, whatever likes to be shared during this closing cycle. We will create this in harmony together.

For who ?
For everyone, who feels it's resonance & is open, curious to experience this dance journey. Prior dance experience is not necessary, you saying yes.. that’s ultimately what counts.

Practical information & participation
You can send an email to, to confirm your presence on the 17th April. Your registration will be confirmed, once €15,00 is transferred to bank account: NL68INGB0005993687 with ‘your name + Dance Rebirth’. The other €20,00 will be handed in cash at the beginning of the workshop.

Date: Sunday 17th April - also Saturday 21th May
Location: Danspaleis030, Herculesplein 25 in Utrecht
Time: 14.00 – 17.00 hr
Contribution: €35,- for 1 Dance Rebirth & €60,- for two

Preparation: wear something comfortable, that suits you.. feels good and if you like you can bring a little notebook, to make some notes perhaps afterwards. Water & tea are included and will be available at the venue.

If you like, you can check the FB link for Dance Rebirth event 17th January